You Want This, Don't You? 5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You're Considering Hiring An Executive Life Coach

Maybe you were on a sports team back in high school, but chances are good that you've met a coach or two in your lifetime whose role you'd define as helping others to win. A sports coach does this by maximizing the potential of each individual team member, then helping them all work together toward a harmonious victory. An executive coach, or life coach, helps one person reach for their potential and achieve personal victories. Do you want that one person to be you? 

1. Are You Aching For Change?

Whether things in your life, such as personal relations and finances are fine or not, does it feel like the same day is repeating itself over and over? You may be in need of a change, be it minor or major, but struggle to identify what it is that you want to change. The longer such a feeling lingers, the greater the ache for change becomes.

2. Has "Stagnation" Become Your Middle Name?

Ever ask yourself "Is this it?" about your career and life's path? Maybe you set goals a while back, met them, but didn't keep going in the direction you wanted. Lots of people feel stagnant in their current situation, yet know there's something more for them in life.

3. Do You Daydream Of Things Achievable, Yet Not Attained?

Does your mind wander toward something elusive, but exciting, in the future? It could be a new job, your own business, a trip to the Great Wall, or any number of things. Daydreaming is a means of rehearsing for most people, often indicating an expectation. Is your real life measuring up to the dream? When you exit the daydream, do you feel a sense of loss or disappointment?

4. Is Your Career Clock Ticking?

Career clocks can tick for a couple of reasons, from your profession becoming obsolete, to you climbing to the very top, to reaching a certain age in your career. Hearing the tick and feeling as if you can't go any further in your career or that you want something entirely different than your current job likely makes your heart beat a little faster. You want more, yet you can't figure out what it is or how to go about making such a dramatic change in your life.

5. Are You Frequently Moody And Feeling As If Something Is Just Not Right?

A strong ache for change can actually manifest itself in your physical being, with symptoms such as sporadic eating, insomnia, fatigue, and moodiness emerging. You have the feeling that something just isn't right, even if everything in your life seems okay. None of that will go away unless you do something, the question is though, what?

An executive coach listens to you but also hears what that little voice inside you is saying. A coach who's there just for you helps you sort through what you have, what you want, and what you need. They guide you toward goals and help you manage life in the meantime. If you answered "yes" to most of these questions, the question of whether or not you should talk to an executive coach is clear. You know you want to; thus, you shouldn't let anything stop you from doing so.

For more information about men's or women's executive coaching, contact a local coaching consultant.
